BIZBER -When we are in a relationship of love with a guy or a girl, let alone have reached a more serious relationship, you definitely want that relationship last long and endless happiness. It is indeed hard-hard-easy unites two hearts become one common goal, there must be a commitment and cooperation is good.
Because you need a prospective partner is ready always beside you together face many obstacles waiting in front of the eyes. So it's good you have to recognize the pairs you! What is your babe including type troubling boyfriend kind of your own someday someday and you are ready to accept its shortcomings or even leave a your babe? the following information.
No Independent aka Spoilt!
Men have a duty to be leaders, women served the menggurus households in the future, especially after you and theyour babeis married. Then notice how the pattern of his life every day. What is the your babe was already mature enough to addressing the problems that occur or are still asking for the help of their parents?
If he can get it done in a way that is good and wise, then she is a tough girl or guy. However, if your babe is often ran away from problems and not responsible, have ensured you definitely do not want to have a companion like that candidate.
Indeed, both men and women liked cranky or twiddle in bed, but that's not the main point. Lazy is lazy is activity even for guys can be lazy work.
For this kind of thing usually this man can only hang on the fate of the others while a lazy woman's activity does not usually want the cape aka lazy enema households later later, unwilling to attempt to explore himself up. That his name is alive, there should be such a thing as self improvement, both in terms of personality and worthiness to live every day.
Always Thinks Bad AKA Negative Thinking
Ready course would certainly want to be appreciated and praised especially girls. However, there are both men and women more often see the negative side of the person. your babe only seen from the side that worst only and does not see how the effort to be the best for your babe...Your babe doesnt know how it took the struggles and obstacles that votes are always bad!
Always Control Life !
In a relationship, there should be an ability for mutual compromise. Indeed, the man will eventually become head of the family is responsible for all but it is undeniable today also much have upside down! for example where the guy at the controls of his life by learn clearly visible while they are dating.
But that does not mean your babe can be% 100 control UR LIFE ... in order to live always together! If your babe is now starting to alienate you from friends (though they never do bad) and keep you out of the family slowly, elo, should think again, continuation of the relationship. The relationship will last long and be happy if elo can however be yourself mutual compromise, not be someone else just to please the hearts ofyour babe! remember when tuh ...
Matters relating to financial important enough for you to consider since the beginning. Of any earnings your babe especially for guys and girls, in particular financial manage if she lavishly, Yes. is not intended to teach you to be the guy who is stingy, but life takes planning and calculation.
You'll want to have your own home that does not need to be big — really big but cozy, it takes a mature financial planning and calculation ofwhen would be able to achieve it. Also things related to health. The plan included the education of children in the future. Well, if you have a couple of extravagant hobbies early on, let alone for the purpose is not clear, think again to continue the relationship. Okay?!